Dyslexia Evaluations
Knowing exactly why your child is struggling with reading, writing, and spelling is essential to understanding the proper tools needed to create a successful learning environment for their entire educational career.
Haley’s Hope is the place to find these answers.
Dyslexia is identifiable with 92 percent accuracy at age 5 1/2. However, an evaluation is necessary at any age if a child struggles with reading, writing and spelling.
Evaluations to identify dyslexia can be made by people extensively trained on evaluation methods. Kari Bucholz, our founder and Dyslexia Specialist, since 2011, is trained to identify dyslexia. Her dyslexia evaluation knowledge has been both formally-tested and field-tested from screening hundreds of children over the years.
A medical diagnosis of dyslexia is performed by a neuropsychologist with specific understanding of dyslexia, and many such doctors refer patients after diagnosis to Haley’s Hope. A medical diagnosis isn’t required to get tutoring at Haley’s Hope. Even with a medical diagnosis of dyslexia, it has been our experience that medical insurance doesn’t pay for instructional services at Haley’s Hope or elsewhere.
Whether you use our evaluation services to identify basic literacy weaknesses, specific dyslexia, or come with a previous diagnosis, the most important step is determining whether a particular child’s challenges can be helped through our instruction. Our evaluations answer this vital question, add understanding to specific dyslexia and bring clarity and planning for future success.
(Please know that we can refer parents to a neuropsychologist for in-depth psychoeducational testing of their child if medical diagnosis is important to them, and we ALWAYS offer to do so if we suspect issues need their further attention.)
Our Dyslexia Evaluations and How to Get Started
Initial Interview (Required):
Our Dyslexia Specialist will meet with you to complete family, medical, and educational history for the individual needing support. She will also analyze school records, past testing, and/or diagnosis to determine your best assessment (refer to the 3 options below). This meeting is required before any assessments, tests, and/or tutoring. To schedule this initial appointment, please call our office at 701-373-3097. A credit or debit card number is required to hold the appointment.
Tutoring Placement Screening:
$200 - No written report
For those already having a diagnosis of dyslexia, or individuals who are not grasping the basic skills of reading and writing and know they want to start remediation in our Orton–Gillingham program. This placement screening determines readiness, a starting point in our program, and the child’s fit with a literacy coach.
Literacy Assessment:
$475 - Includes test score profile with opportunity to discuss
This valuable assessment provides data for those who are seeking answers to continued reading and writing challenges. Tests to expose lack of key reading indicators, along with review of any prior testing through school, medical or independent sources, helps guide parents to know whether Haley’s Hope is a path for literacy improvement. The information provided is not an evaluation for dyslexia, yet uncovers basic literacy strengths and weaknesses that are critical in determining the proper intervention needed for academic success.
Results may lead to the suggestion of additional testing through Haley’s Hope and/or an outside resource.
Full Dyslexia Evaluation:
Comprehensive testing to identify dyslexia
$625 K (5.5yrs old) - grade 5
$775 Grades 6 - 12 Post-Secondary Students and Adults: cost varies and will be determined after initial meeting with the Dyslexia Specialist
Full written report reviewed at follow up meeting
This is a conclusive evaluation for those who have limited or no past testing from another source (medical center, independent evaluator or school) and wants standardized measurements helpful to understanding or confirming dyslexia. It is our deepest look into learning challenges and skill levels of the individual. It gathers a comprehensive history and involves multiple scored measurement instruments. A full evaluation rules out other common causes of reading difficulties and determines whether the student’s profile of strengths and weaknesses fit the definition of dyslexia. It is used to shape a focused plan to resolve challenges. The plan begins at the student’s current level of instruction, not at their grade level. Finally, it provides comprehensive evaluation records, which document and articulates the student’s learning challenges, useful for parents to navigate educational environments.
This full evaluation is not intended for use in determining eligibility for school-based intervention, as that is the school’s role. The full evaluation does add comprehensive and valuable objective documentation that can be shared with schools to request additional resources for your student.